I wanted a book for my daughter to love and remember also, and of course it required superior illustrations. After much searching I was pleased to find this book by Scott Gustafson, which I feel rivals the one from my childhood. Of all the available nursery rhyme books I have seen, I believe this one is far and above the best!
All of my children have been lovers of nursery rhymes, with or without good illustrations. There really is something to Mother Goose rhymes, which is probably why they are still around!
My 2 1/2 year old and I can get through this book all in one sitting, and neither one of us gets bored. My five and six year old still enjoy it, perhaps especially because of the excellent illustrations. The rhymes are classic, and the pictures are simply delicious!
A great read and look. Our kids definitely like it, and my wife definitely knows how to pick a book.
This is a book I am going to have to purchase! I have always loves Scott Gustafson and have some of his illustrations hanging in my girls room. Also, one study I read said a child who knows eight nursery rhymes before entering school will be a great reading. Obciously, that is a loaded sentence with many variables, nevertheless, every child should have opportunity to hear the nursery rhymes. How endearing that can be with such a book.
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