by Eve Rice
Here is another classic goodnight book. Written in 1980 by Eve Rice, it looks to me remarkably like the 2009 Caldecott Medal winner, A House in The Night. Both are sweet patterned nighttime books in nighttime colors, but have a bit of a different flavor even if they do look similar. Let me tell you about Goodnight Goodnight.
The first line of this book reads, "Goodnight came over the rooftops slowly." And with that, goodnight comes to many people in the town, each doing different things at this goodnight time, but each settling down for night --except for the kitten who wishes to find someone to play with! Even the kitten ends up with a goodnight, and the town is ready for sleep.
'Similar to A House in the Night, my children were not taken with this book upon first read. They preferred to choose books with brighter pictures and more exciting themes. However, even if I am still the one to choose this familiar book from the library it is more accepted, even enjoyed, and the kitten is more appreciated in his efforts to continue playing!
The illustrations in this book are done with pen and ink, lithographic crayon, and an yellow overlay of acetate. Yes, this is news to me and I need to do more research to understand! What I do know though, is the pictures are appealing and soft and very suitable to nighttime in their black, white, and yellow way, even if they don't excite children immediately. Neither does bedtime! This book is likely more difficult to find for purchase than a newer book, and certainly more difficult than the Caldecott Medal book it reminds me of. However, I would not be surprised if you could easily find and enjoy this classic at your library. There is something comforting about these well-worn library books, and rechecking them out and enjoying them over and over. I recommend this one, and of course, it is best read at bedtime!
YES! I have this book from the library now. It took an incredibly long time to finally hold it in my hands and it was worth the wait. I love it. My children love it. It is due and I don't want to give it back. We have fallen in love with this one and Goodnight Frances.
We have this book for my nephews. We read it every time they spend the night. When I tell them it's time to read before bedtime, they get it out of the book basket and give it to me. The younger one (age 2) has started getting it out randomly during the day and "reading" to himself. He turns each page and says "good night, good night, good night".
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