Written by Amy Hest
Illustrated by Amy Bates
I have a little girl who loves dogs. We have a real dog, but my daughter actually especially adores her stuffed dogs. They are her great friends. When she is feeling kind she may invite a stuffed monkey to play, but she really loves her dogs the best. Knowing this then it is easy to see us choosing stories about dogs. This is a lovely one.
Amy Hest writes her story in an interesting style, alternating from girl to dog on nearly every page until they unite as friends. They have remarkable similarities, the largest being they are both quite in need of a good companion. It turns out of course that they are perfect friends, friends through all the seasons in fact.
The illustrations in this book are absolutely gorgeous! Today, when thinking to myself whether I liked the story or the text better, I have to say I think I could almost love the pictures just as much alone they are so beautiful! However the text also stands out to me particularly, as it is written in a style unusual to me, this alternating style, and it is engaging.
It has also occurred to me while reading it again, that this book would be a fun
introduction to this alternating story-writing technique. It might be fun to see what children come up with to alternate back and forth. Perhaps this summer we will try it!
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