My five and six year old boys and I just finished reading The Magician's Nephew for the first time, but I have a feeling it won't be our last. This book, written by C.S. Lewis, is nothing short of amazing to me! My children were captivated by the adventure in this tale and I was captivated by the author's well-written words, cleverness, humor, and layers of meaning. I so appreciate that Lewis knows a little about children, which you can see in his writing. This book was enjoyable from the first page to the last. Our family agrees its a keeper. Although Lewis wrote The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe before The Magician's Nephew, the latter tells the history and background for the first. We look forward to reading all the books in The Chronicles of Narnia together and I won't be surprised if they are all read again independently as well. My husband has commented that he doesn't remember seeing my boys quite this excited about any book in the past. These books are truly remarkable!
As our kids have started into school and gotten busier, quiet family times at our house have gotten a little more difficult to find. Having a good book and motivated readers and listeners helps this happen, and all the while I hope we are building memories, bonds, and a life-long love of reading. Reading aloud allows us to read above our children's personal reading level, continuing to build background knowledge and vocabulary, with the the reader there as a reference for the listener. A few chapter books my kids and I have enjoyed include: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,Charlotte's Web, and The Chocolate Touch. I would love some chapter book recommendation from you for my young crowd. I am always seeking them out (and wishing we could read them more frequently)! Happy reading!
Lindsay, since i see you are interested in reading Hop! Plop! I wanted to let you know that you can enter to win a signed copy at my friend's blog: http://taralazar.wordpress.com/
I love your chapter book recommendations. I also love books written by C.S. Lewis. I think, we too, will start this series. Thanks again.
Hi Lindsay, you are so right about all the benefits that come with reading aloud to your kids. My 5 year old son loves the Black Beauty chapter book and he loves the Wizard of Oz too.
I'm also going to check out some of your other recommendations.
I will have to check out Black Beauty. Thanks, I was beginning to wonder if I would really get thos additional recommendations that I sincerely want! :)
I have an old boxed set of the Chronicles of Narnia (that my mom got at a garage sale - who would ever get rid of these books!?!) and the Magician's Nephew is book 6of the series. I have two old copies of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, one says it is number one and the other says it is number 2 in the series. Do you know why? Do you know the correct and best order to read the chronicles of Narnia?
Ready to Read,
ShaLisa, the order in which the books are read is up to you, and there are varied opinions. For my kids I will read them in chronological order, though that is not how they were published. Lewis published The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe first with no intention to create a series. There is an order of publication and an order of chronology. I will email you a link to read on your own so you can determine your preference. A little history helps me appreciate these books all the more! Thanks for asking such a great question --I think I better update my post for more accuracy!!
Have fun in Narnia! This series has been by far our family's favorite to read aloud.
I recommend Dahl's books too for young listeners. Our kids really enjoyed "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "James and the Giant Peach"
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