Have you seen a dragon brush away an army? Have you seen a dragon steal a princess, smash a castle wall, and burn down a forest with his fiery breath? Have you ever seen a scared dragon? The illustrations in this book clearly show you. Written with short and simple but expertly crafted sentences, this book is a must-have for dragon lovers! My six year old recently told me that he didn't want to pick books with me, he doesn't like books that are about dogs and cats. (And that's apparently all I choose.) He likes heroes. This story meets both of our good-book standards, is without dogs and cats, and has a very small and unlikely hero to boot.
1 comment:
Hey Lindsey. This is Michelle, it was sure nice to hear from you. I would love to see the baby rooms! We found out we are having a boy, so we are excited. Luke cant wait to have a little brother. And yes we have eaten dove. Well I should say Shaun and my kids have, I am a little picky. But they seemed to really like it. Well hopefully you receive this and we can stay in touch! Take care!
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